Analysis Analysis 2022-05-10 IRGC promotes, rewards most radical elements Over the past four decades, the IRGC has increased its emphasis on ideological training, giving it equal weight with military training and rewarding those most committed to Wilayat al-Faqih. Analysis 2022-04-15 China rallies sympathy for Putin at home, amplifies Kremlin propaganda abroad Chinese media have enabled Kremlin propaganda to skirt bans in the West. Meanwhile, Chinese citizens are being indoctrinated with an anti-Western, pro-Soviet ideological campaign. Analysis 2022-03-25 Iran's schemes to sell oil illegally may singe Middle East intermediaries The regime has continued to flout international sanctions by relying on front companies in other countries, which puts these nations at risk. Analysis 2022-02-10 Syria's 'humiliating' expulsion of IRGC commander points to unravelling ties The public expulsion of IRGC-QF commander Mostafa Javad-Ghaffari from Syria points to the Syrian regime's rising frustration with Iran and its ambitions in the country, analysts say. Analysis 2022-02-01 IRGC injects itself into economy and politics, sucking Iran dry The IRGC has taken over projects in different sectors of the economy, while increasingly nominating affiliated officials and commanders to key political posts. Analysis 2021-12-08 Raisi's 'neighbourly' foreign policy undermined by IRGC-instigated crises Iran's president has declared engagement with neighbours a foreign policy focus, but the IRGC's existence depends on generating crises, from which it can command state funds. Analysis 2021-12-03 Al-Sadr's post-election moves rile Iran-aligned groups After winning big in Iraq's elections, Muqtada al-Sadr has taken steps to draw down the militia he controls and to distance himself from others. Analysis 2021-11-26 Stretched thin and cash-strapped, IRGC ill-prepared for next domestic uprising Tehran's crackdown on regularly occurring domestic protests will become more challenging as it contends with funding and manpower shortages, observers say. Analysis 2021-11-24 Between a rock and a hard place: Iran's Syria quandary After close to a decade of military intervention and millions of dollars spent, Iran has little to show for its investment in the Syrian regime. Analysis 2021-11-19 In bid to survive, Tahrir al-Sham rebrands itself yet again The extremist alliance has been purging hardline elements and factions to soften its image and ensure it can have a say in Syria's future. Previous | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Next