An operation to clear Akkas gas field in western Anbar of "Islamic State of Iraq and Syria" (ISIS) war remnants has been completed, the Iraqi police in Anbar province said Monday (March 11th).
"Specialised security forces, assisted by the international coalition which provided the necessary equipment and devices, on Sunday completed the removal of war remnants, landmines and IEDs from the Akkas gas field," Anbar police chief Maj. Gen. Hadi Kassar Erzaij told Diyaruna.
The gas field is now ready for the resumption of operations, he said.
"The operation required several months to complete, as more than two tonnes of explosives were removed from the field and surrounding area, and from areas and roads leading to it," he said.
"The field was handed over to the Ministry of Oil to resume operations there after all threats were neutralised," he said.